
Thursday 30 August 2012

say thanks to Allah..


it's nearly one week past since i'm back to cfs.

besok, 31 ogos. merdeka! alhamdulillah, Malaysia masih aman n harmoni (walaupun bagi raihan, masih belum 100% merdeka. fact,right?)

teringat pulak dulu waktu time sekolah dulu, waktu2 macam ni, mesti tengah sibuk kemas kelas... tolong2 cikgu siapkan props untuk malam countdown merdeka, kemas dorm cantik2 siap letak bendera dekat setiap katil n locker kat dorm tu, gantung bendera besar dekat tingkap kelas, letak bendera dekat meja belajar dalam kelas... tengok pengawas buat rehearsals untuk gimik n persembahan lain2... haha..rindu gila nak buat semua2 tu!! yang paling best, hari ni mesti x belajar! haha..(jahatnye aq dulu~)

sekarang, dah x ade la nak buat semua2 tu...duduk dalam bilik diam2 je... kalau boring, ajak roomates keluar jenjalan... boleh x kalau besok 31 ogos nak pergi bukit jalil? tapi nanti mesti ramai orang n transport mesti full gilaa...(untungnya kalau boleh bawa kereta sendiri..=P)

btw, selamat hari merdeka!


ok. bukan nak cerita pasal ni sangat pun sebenarnya.

about last 2 weeks, before raya, i've sat for my mid sem examination. math1 and comp1. today, by this morning, i got my math1 mark. B. and it is so....ough..actually, i don't really know either i should say it is o.k or k.o. as i am not a person who is  very much good in math, i will consider it as not too bad result =)

honestly, i am too bad in math even since i am in primary school...(honestly. i am not lying!)  but i don't know somehow i can score A for my math in my spm last year. but still, it is not A+. i will consider it as a miracle if i get it so..haha..(see, how much bad my math is..)

sebelum raihan start study dekat cfs ni, raihan betul-betul reset mind raihan ni. to say that matric's math is not the same as spm's math. sebenarnya, raihan buat macam tu sebab nak sedapkan hati je supaya dapat terima hakikat yang engine needs me to study math1, math2 and math3 too! how much troublesome it is for me, the one who is not too good in math.ough...

alhamdulillah, Allah makes it easier for me. seriously, raihan betul2 x tahu macam mana raihan boleh rasa yang math yang raihan belajar sekarang ni x la sesusah add math yang raihan belajar dekat sekolah dulu...  raihan x rasa pun raihan nak struggle gila2 untuk dapat a+ untuk math bila time exam. it just like.. i have to study it then, just study it..haha...

teringat pula time ta'aruf week dulu, ada sis yang bagi tazkirah tentang tajdid niat ( perbaharui niat). kalau dulu, waktu kat sekolah, memang niat nak belajar untuk dapat best result dalam spm. lepas tu, bila dah habis spm, sekarang, raihan rasa macam dah x berapa nak ingat apa yang raihan belajar time dekat sekolah dulu. sis tu kata, kita belajar ni niat tu biar kerana Allah. then, just do it as best as you can. sebab, bukan semua orang akan dapat apa yang dia nak even though dye dah struggle habis-habisan betul x? Allah will never gives what you want, He will gives what you need at the right time and the right place. kan? however, you have to put an affort on what you work on. even it is just a litle afford. Allah x pandang orang dari apa yang dia capai. tapi dari apa yang dia usahakan. markah banyak ke sikit ke... Allah cuma tengok afford kita untuk sesuatu tu. then, doa minta Allah berikan yang terbaik untuk kita and tawakkal. when you get the result, just redha with what you get. kalau o.k, usaha lagi untuk maintain ke-o.k-an tu, n kalau k.o, usaha lagi untuk meng-o.k-kan yang k.o tu... and... jangan lupa untuk bersyukur. Allah knows the best for you. it's o.k la kalau sikit pun dari x ada markah lansung kan?

think about that... just do the best and believe that Allah knows the best...

after all those things happened, you still survive till now. say thanks to Allah...

that's all for now...
see you later, bloggy^^

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