
Saturday, 7 December 2013

cebisan hambar & humble 1 : da'wah

salam alayk

somehow i just realized that one day, i'll becoming an engineer insyaALLAH. realizing that just make me realized one more thing, it is about da'wah. engineering vs da'wah. macam krik krik je...

ada yang kata, engineering course ni antara course yang social. i dont know. since i am not in the circle yet. but maybe starting from now, i can start learning and prepare myself to survive in any circumstances that maybe happening in that circle. why survive? being a newbie in a circle, first thing to do is to survive. then there will be a lot of plans that you can make later. plan a ke, plan b ke, nak sampai plan z pun boleh, tapi first thing comes first, that is survive dulu.

dalam apa jua course, especially yang bukan islamic course (sounds so secular) beside enjoy studying and doing your works as a student, the other important thing that we have to do is da'wah, which is one of our responsibilities that we always put it on the least rank. maybe it is because we less concern about the 'sickening' islam in our country but it also shows how insensitive we are about our own deen, our religion, our islam.

nak masuk syurga, tak best kalau masuk sorang-sorang, so that is why da'wah is important,amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. enjoy doing goods, hate doing sins. we are living in this dunya, in this wordly life is for us to survive in the next life, the hereafter. be futurelistic. be realistic, although malaysia is so called as one of the islamic country but how strong we are? do we ever realized that who we are now will determine who we are in the future? the same goes to our country, our country now, today will determine the strength of our country in the future.

it might be tough. however, we are never alone. there is Allah, there are muslim brothers and sisters. there are many ways that we can try to make our iman stronger and achieve mardhatillah. step bye step, start from our nearest first. family, friends, collegues maybe. just try, Allah see our efforts. dont stop. keep spreading islam. the only deen, the way of life.

just a cebisan hambar dan humble.


may Allah bless.

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